I did this because I read it was a solution for the slow Intellisense in VS2013. Thinking about it, these problems only started for me after downloading the source.

Just for completeness as I forgot to state this in the original message, I am running Windows 8.1, I have downloaded UE 4.9.2 via Game Launcher but I have also downloaded, compiled and run UE 4.10 from GitHub. “ Shutting down RawChannel with write buffer nonempty” I then looked at the log files again and had the same errors as reported above but also in the ce3.log file I have loads of warnings My network meter showed nearly three times the size of the download had actually been downloaded. I repeated the pause and continue and it eventually completed. However, it continued for a while and then started going backwards again.

After a while I started the download again and it jumped forward by 10%. Once you’ve installed the Launcher, follow these steps to download Fortnite and start playing. If you haven’t already, install the Epic Games Launcher. When the %age started to go backwards I paused the download but in the background the game launcher continued to download data as seen by the resource monitor. Before you can board the Battle Bus on PC, you’ll need to download the Epic Games Launcher and Fortnite. I managed to download the Mixamo Animation Pack although it was difficult. We have just been upgraded with a 2MB connection so things are looking up. I live in a remote place and options are limited. My ISP is a small company called Hebrides.Net.