Doodlebops move and groove game
Doodlebops move and groove game

doodlebops move and groove game

  • "Don't pull the rope!" No one has ever heard Moe say that before until he did when the Bandied Legged Bubble Brain Booby Bird was going to pull the rope.
  • "Oh! There's one thing I gotta do first!" whenever the rope falls from the ceiling.
  • "Ta-da! Here I am!" whenever Moe was found.
  • "Aaaaaa-gaaaaaaaaiiiin!" Moe after he pulled the rope and Deedee and Rooney sang, "Water dumped on Moe!".
  • "Hey, you.crazy bird!" Moe getting upset right after the Bandied Legged Bubble Brain Booby Bird pulled the rope and water got dumped on Moe.
  • doodlebops move and groove game

    "Ah refreshing" whenever Moe pulls the rope.Moe showing off the medallion embedded in his left palm. He also loves playing his drums, being loud, and to pull a rope regardless of his siblings' warnings of pulling it. He is a fruit full of fun! He loves to hide all over the place and have the siblings find him. Moe is the youngest of the Doodlebops and he loves to play. He wears orange and red pants (with knee caps) and yellow and orange Converse-like shoes.

    doodlebops move and groove game

    He wears a yellow striped shirt with small images of drums on the front, and starting in Season 2, on his sleeves, under a purple shaggy vest. Moe is a yellow-orange skinned man with red, shaggy hair.

    Doodlebops move and groove game